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Tips for avoiding the end-of-day tantrums

In a previous post, I explained why your little one tends to “let it all out” as soon as they get home from school or daycare.

If you missed it, you can read the post right here.

“Okay, but how do I avoid tantrums?”

Ideally, you should stay calm. You know how, in the movies, the hero just needs to figure out which wire to cut to stop the bomb from going off and killing everyone? Well, there’s no “right” way to defuse your human timebomb.


Your child is unique

And there are a bunch of other factors involved, too, like your relationship, how sensitive they are, their age and maturity level, what happened to them during the day, etc. But there are some things you can do to help your child manage all these emotions when they get home.

Here are 7 of my favourites:

Have some quiet time when they get home from school or daycare

Have a little cuddle with your child while they read a book, colour a picture, or watch some TV.

Use tools to help them talk about their emotions

They’ll need help at first, but I knowthey’re in good hands with their person (a.k.a. YOU!). Minimo also has tools for childrenthat you can find here.

Offer them a hug

Take the lead by asking them if they want a hug. Young children usually won’t think twice, but older kids might be embarrassed to ask. So, get ahead of your child and offer them a hug before they feel the need to make the first move — it’ll warm their little heart.

Make sure they’re sleeping enough

Some children need more sleep than others. And a good night’s sleep will help them feel refreshed and ready for a fun day with friends!

Give them a snack

You know the famous Snickers slogan “You’re not you when you’re hungry”? Well, it applies to some kids, too! A handful of baby carrots to quiet a rumbling tummy will help with the mood at home.

Talk it out

Some kids feel much better after getting it all off their (little) chest. Open-ended questions (that they have to answer with something other than “yes” or “no”) are a good way to get more details out of your little one.

Lay on the compliments

After a hard day, it always feels good to hear how awesome you are. Your munchkin is no different! Go ahead and tell them what an AMAZING job they did lining up their shoes in the hallway.

Blueberry snack

Keep in mind

Mind you, if the tantrums last for more than a few months and don’t seem to subside, or if your child tells you about an unacceptable situation at school or daycare, don’t hesitate to speak to their teacher or educator—or even a professional such as a psychologist or a psychoeducator.

My son happens to be quiet as a mouse when he gets home from school, but he needs a little time to relax in front of the TV with a snack. Every child is different, so it’s important to try different strategies to see what works.


Royer, N. (dir). (2003). Le monde du préscolaire. Gaëtan Morin Éditeur.

St-Germain, C. (2014). Pourquoi fait-il des crises depuis son entrée à la maternelle ? [Repéré en ligne le 23 septembre 2022 à : ].

Zephyr, L. (2021). Favoriser le lien d’attachement avec son bébé. [Repéré en ligne le 23 septembre 2022 à :’attachement%20est%20le%20lien,fa%C3%A7on%20rapide%2C%20constante%20et%20chaleureuse ].

Claudia Turmel
Conseillère pédagogique
Véritable amoureuse des mots et de la pédagogie (et des post-its, aussi !), je déborde d’idées pour soutenir le quotidien des enfants de manière adaptée et ludique. Anciennement enseignante, je porte maintenant le chapeau de conseillère pédagogique chez Minimo. Toujours prête à aider mon prochain (et à sortir une blague !), je carbure aux défis (et au café !).